Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wonder Weeks…I Wonder WTF is Going on

I have a 14 month old. She's pretty fabulous and in my eyes everything she does is amazing. Yes, I'm bias but when it's your kid you are in awe that you have have managed to not only grow a human but not totally F them up in the process.
So since she was born we have gone through a series of "wonder weeks". According to the internet these are weeks when brain connections and skills develop and you child becomes an sleep terrorist spawn of Satan.
This week's "wonder week" is brought to you by the skill, walking. I say that as I roll my eyes and pray that sometime in the near future she decides to stop terrorizing my husband and go to sleep. Already we have both tried to get her down for the night and she has decided squealing and running around are far more important at 10:15pm.
So a wonder week leaves me wondering, WTF is going on in my child's head when she becomes so tuned in to her environment that she can't settle for more than a few seconds. It's exhausting for me and I imagine she's beside herself.