Monday, December 2, 2013

Baby and the home practice

I'll admit it, I naturally tend towards lazy. If I have the option to sit on the sofa and watch some mindless TV or go run a mile you will bet your behind you'll find me glued to the latest episode of whatever TV show I am marathon watching.

Now this was fine and dandy before baby because I could get my exercise in any time I wanted. In fact, I could do anything I wanted at any time and it was bliss. Flash forward six months post baby and both my husband and I are working and we have a nanny. I know, I know, first world problems but I'm going somewhere with this so hear me out. These days if I want to go to a yoga class I have to wait for my husband to get home, which isn't until late and usually after normal classes, or I have to pay the nanny for an extra 2 hours which costs more than the yoga class and makes attending a class at a studio something extravagant.

Since I love yoga and need it to stay sane for my kiddo I have cultivated a home practice. This home practice is a little different than my regular practice. Sometimes it includes a playful baby, sometimes the TV is on and I'm practicing away in the middle of the living room, sometimes I do a few stretches and some breath work and call it a day. Whatever the practice I am loving that I now have a true home practice. I may have been forced into it by family obligations but it was just the kick in the pants I needed to show me how much I value my time on the mat. Also the distractions are great way to learn how to withdraw from things that 6 months ago would have annoyed me. I can now move blissfully through a 30 minute practice with all sorts of noise and I remain calm and focussed.

Here's how I managed it.

I rolled out my mat. In fact, I left my mat rolled out and when I wasn't practicing I put the kid on it as a padded tummy time area and usually end up doing a few poses over here. She loves when I look at her upside down from down dog.
I committed to moving and breathing for 15 minutes. This usually turned into 30 minutes because it takes time to do the poses I enjoy and a few that I actually need.
I challenge myself with at least one hard poses that I don't particularly enjoy, my body usually needs these the most.
I breath and breath and breath and off the mat this comes into play when the little one is losing her mind and I could fly off the handle and react but instead I draw from my practice and breath. It's amazing how quickly she responds to my calm breath.
I joined yogaglo and do 30 minute classes. I know it's not a 90 minute studio practice but I warm up and stretch out and find calm being led by an experienced teacher. Plus I get more of a challenge than if I'm guiding myself.
I sometimes practice with the baby and involve her in the poses. It's great to have the extra weight when I'm in warrior poses and she loves that I'm "playing" with her.

So don't get discouraged that you can't get to a yoga class like you used to. Get creative and find ways that fit yoga into your schedule. You don't have to have a perfect environment just space for your mat and 15-30 minutes move and breath. Everyone will benefit and you'll feel much more able to deal with your busy life.

Go forth and practice!